In July 2007, during my first office job, I had to regularly remove staples and paper clips; a tedious task, as in Switzerland you shouldn't dispose of metal objects with recycling paper. I wanted to develop a better solution where you could dispose of the entire stack including the staple. So I started making the first prototypes of my recyclable paper clips from cardboard I purchased at stationary shops.
Over time, I had forgotten about the idea until I looked at a key card holder from a hotel back in 2023 and remembered my paper clip. Motivated by the idea again, I wanted to revive the business and so, together with a friend, who happens to own a commercial printing business, I decided to give the clips a new start. After endless sample variations, we came up with the final product - a design that matched my original design from 2007.
The next step was to find suppliers who could produce our clips, the packaging as well as the dispensers. It was particularly important to us that production was local, that the clips were made from recycled cardboard and that the entire product was 100% integrated into the circular economy. In this way, we ensure that Catriclip is not only functional but also sustainable.
Subsequently, the patent was applied for and the trademark registered.
Let's revolutionize the paper clip market together, one clip at the time.
-Simon Fasano, Founder Rezyklierbare Büroklammern, Herrliberg